FastTrack360 Version 12 Online Help

Reporting Data Dictionary

To provide report designers with an insight into the Data Structure for data consumption via the FastTrack360 Reporting module, a Reporting Data Dictionary is updated for each new product release.

The document is structured into a series of sections under the following hierarchical structure:

  • Product Area (e.g. Rates & Rules)

  • Functional Area (e.g. Agreements)

There are one or more tables listed beneath each Functional Area and each of these tables corresponds to a database table in the FastTrack360 database.  Each of these tables lists;

  • The table purposes

  • All database fields and their purpose

  • Primary and Foreign Key Relationship to other tables

  • References to field values where they are a Boolean or enumerator value i.e. Status; 1 = Active, 2= Inactive.

To view the Reporting Dictionary applicable to your environment, please see FT360 Releases and click on the relevant release. Within the release pages, navigate to the Reporting Modules Enhancements section to find the related Data Dictionary. The Database Schema changes for each release are also available within this section.



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