An unpaid normal or adjustment timesheet, including an adjustment timesheet created via the backpay process, where the period end date that is less than or equal to the end date of the current pay period.
An unpaid timesheet that is subject to contractor payment terms and the payment terms due date falls into the current pay period (for non-UK payees) or falls on or after the start date of the current pay period of the pay batch but before the current pay period normal pay date (for UK payees only).
An unprocessed leave payment where the item date is less than or equal to the current pay period end date.
A payee allowance (i.e. an allowance defined on the Payee record) that is valid on the end date of the current pay period, or that was valid prior to the current pay period, and it has not been paid before. For more information about changes to payee allowances in this release, see also Payee Allowance Enhancements.
An unprocessed child-related process (UK payees only).
A UK payee is also included in a normal pay batch for the current pay period if the payee’s YTD figures for the current open tax year have been updated and the payee has been flagged for inclusion on the next FPS.