Payee conditional variables allow variable attributes to be recorded against a payee. These may include things such as certification levels, levels of experience or specific skills that may be required for certain roles. Excerpt
Payee conditional variables are used in various areas of the system. For example, a payee's pay rate may be dependent on their level of certification. Where this is the case, pay rates defined by pay agreements that are configured in the Rates and Rules module can be defined subject to the relevant payee conditional variable so that the payee will be paid according to their certification level. Similarly, payee conditional variables can be used to determine which types of leave a payee can accrue and at what rate the payee accrues the leave.
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The exact payee conditional variables that are available will depend on the requirements of your business and are configured |
Once defined, a payee's conditional variables can be modified if necessary so long as the payee is not currently included in an open pay batch.
However, once the payee has been paid (included in a closed pay batch) their conditional variables are locked down for the corresponding payee details validity periodĀ and cannot be modified for that period. If you need to modify a payee's conditional variables after the payee has been paid in one or more pay batches, you must create a new payee details validity period.
How to Add Payee Conditional Variables