There are a few different reasons why duplicate Candidate records occur in FastTrackFastTrack360. The most common are:
Details entered by the Candidate in a Questionnaire job application or Registration page form are different to the existing record
Candidate has applied to a job via Seek and fields other than First Name, Surname & Check Email are being checked for duplicates
An Agency user uses Outlook Extensions > Add Candidate to update a Candidate’s Resume but details differ to the existing record
An Agency user has created the record
Below are some guidelines Below are details on what is required to determine why a duplicate record was created.
There are 2 parts to the guidelines, these arerequired:
Identify how the Candidate was created
Determine why a duplicate was created
Part 1 - Identify how the Candidate was created
Before being able to determine why a duplicate record was created, you first need to identify how it was created.
How to do this will depend on whether the Candidate was created :
before or after upgrading to 11.37
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The Creation Date of a record can be found in the Record Properties section. |
Candidates created after upgrading to 11.37
The Creation Source identifies how a record was created:
Agency User - record has been created by a user
Job Board Application – a Candidate completed an application for a job advertised via Broadbean
Registration – a Candidate completed a Registration page
Outlook Extensions – an Agency user has used the Add Candidate option in Outlook Extensions
To find the creation source either:
Do a Candidate search and select an option in the Creation Source field – for further information refer to Search Candidate - Search by Creation Source
Add Creation Source to the Candidates List layout, then do a Candidate search with Any selected in the Creation Source field – for details on how to modify the layout refer to KA to be done
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If the Creation Source of the duplicate is Job Board Application, Registration or Outlook Extensions go to Determine why a duplicate was created |
. Click the below links for details on how to do this.
Data in the Candidate record needs to be reviewed and a process of elimination used to identify how the record was created. Below are guidelines on what to review.
Note |
Changes made to the Candidate record after it was created may mean you can’t determine how a record was created. The Audit Trail can assist in determining what details have been changed. |
Form Responses
Go to the Form Responses section. If there is
An entry, the creation source is Registration – form response can only be added from a Registration page
No entry, the record was created from another source
To see what details were entered so they can be compared to the Candidate Duplicate Check options, click View.
Go to the Resume section. If there is
An entry, check for a Form Response or Referral. If there are None, creation source could be Agency User or Outlook Extensions.
No entry, the creation source is Agency User – Resume is usually required for all other sources.
Go to Maintenance > General Items > Outlook Extensions and compare the Default Candidate Source to the Source in the Candidate record. If they are the same then the record was most likely created from Outlook Extensions.
The Referral section, lists Referrals that have come from a Job Board Application as well as Referrals added by an Agency User. To identify if a Referral has come from a job application:
Check for a Referral that has the same Refer Date Time as the Creation Date - if there are none, the Candidate was created from another source
Click on Job No – this will open the job order the referral is for
Go to the Referral Workflow > find the Candidate and right click > select View Response - if there are none, the Referral was added by an Agency user
If there is a response, the creation source is most likely Job Board Application. Additional checks may be needed to determine if the record was created from a Job Board Application.
To see what details were entered so they can be compared to the Candidate Duplicate Check options, click View.
Additional Checks
Check if the Created By user of the Candidate (in Record Properties) is the same as the Job Owner in the job the referral was for - the Created By defaults to the Job Owner if the record is created from a job application
Check the Stage Name of the referral matches the Job Board Application – New stage configured in the Referral Workflow. To do this:
In the Referral Workflow right click on Candidate > click Edit Referral
In Referral Stage History check the Stage Name of the first entry
Go to Maintenance > Referral Workflow > open the workflow selected on the job
Click Channel Mapping > check the stage selected for Job Board Application – New & Job Board Application – Existing
If they are different, compare the Job Board Application – New stage to the Stage Name in Referral Stage History – if they match creation source is Job Board Application
If they are the same, it’s possible the record was created by another source.
Candidate records can also be created using the below methods.
Data Migration – there will be a Migration Id in the Record Properties section of the Candidate record
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The Creation Date of a record can be found in the Record Properties section. |
Part 2 Determine why a duplicate was created
If the Creation Source of the duplicate is Job Board Application, Registration or Outlook Extensions, there There are 2 reasons why a duplicate record is created, these are:
Candidate Duplicate Check options haven’t identified a duplicate
Duplicate Settings
Duplicate Settings determine what happens when a duplicate is identified. To check these settings, go to:
Maintenance > Questionnaire > Maintenance
Click General Settings
If Create New Always is selected, a new record will always be created - for further information refer to How to Configure the Duplicate Settings
A duplicate has been identified but Duplicate Settings are setup to create a new record
Current settings may not reflect what the settings were at the time the duplicate was created.
If duplicates are being created from the API and assistance is needed to determine why, lodge a request via our Service Desk portal
Candidate Duplicate Check
Before creating a record, the system performs a check against existing records to determine if the Candidate already exists. The check is done by comparing certain information being imported against existing records. What information is checked is determined by the The Candidate Duplicate Check options determine what information is checked.
To check what options are selected, go to:
Maintenance > Questionnaire > Maintenance
Click Candidate Duplicate Check - for further information refer to Candidate Duplicate Check Maintenance
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These options |
These may not reflect what the settings were at the time the duplicate was created.
are also used when an Agency User creates a record. The below message will appear if there is an existing Candidate with matching details. The record will be created if OK is selected. |
A duplicate won’t be identified if:
the details entered by a Candidate in a job application or Registration form are different to an existing record
Candidate has applied to a job via Seek and fields other than First Name, Surname & Check Email are being checked for duplicates
Note |
If jobs are advertised on Seek via Broadbean, we recommend only the below duplicate check options are selected. If options such as Mobile Phone and/or Suburb are selected, duplicates will be created as these details are not included in the Seek application. |
An Agency user uses Outlook Extensions > Add Candidate to update a Candidate’s Resume but details differ to the existing record
A spelling mistake can cause a duplicate record
If the below options are selected and there is an existing Candidate called Steve Smith
If one of the following occurs, a duplicate record will be created as all letters of the First Name don’t match the existing record (Surname and email address is the same as the existing record):
Candidate applies for a job and in their response they enter Steven as their first name - to see find out how to check what details were entered, refer to ReferralsJob Board Application
Candidate completes a Registration form and they enter Steven as their first name - to find out how to see check what details were entered, refer to Registration Form Responses
An Agency User uses Outlook Extensions > Add Candidate to add an updated Resume which has Steven as their first name
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If the details in a duplicate record is created and the details are updated to match the existing record (either manually or automatically from a parsed Resume), next time the Candidate applies for a job, all records that match the Candidate Duplicate Check details will be added to the Referral Workflow, not just one. |
Duplicate Settings
If jobs are advertised on Seek via Broadbean, we recommend only the below duplicate check options are selected. If any other options are selected, duplicates will be created as these details are not included in the Seek application.a duplicate is identified, the Duplicate Settings determine whether a new Candidate record is created. To check these settings, go to:
Maintenance > Questionnaire > Maintenance
Click General Settings
If Create New Always is selected, a new record will always be created - for further information refer to How to Configure the Duplicate Settings
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