There are circumstances where it may be necessary to zero out any STP data that has been reported by a pay company during a financial year. For example, if a pay company has been reporting under the wrong ABN/ABN branch number and therefore all reported year-to-date (YTD) amounts must be transferred to another ABN/ABN branch number, the amounts reported under the original ABN/ABN branch number must be zeroed out.
Navigate to the STP EOFY screen.
Select the name of the relevant pay company, the tax year for which STP data has already been reported and select Search.
Click on the relevant batch in the Results section of the screen.
Select Zero Out and click OK to confirm the action at the prompt. The following message displays in the prompt to ensure you are committed to running the action: Warning! You A confirmation message is displayed, warning you that you are about to zero out all reported STP data reported for <pay company trade name> for the financial year <tax period start date> - <tax period end date>. Do you want to continue?On selection of OK the the selected pay company and financial year.
To continue to zero out, click OK. The STP declaration is displayed and you will be are prompted to sign-off the submission declaration that applies to the corresponding pay company.
Where the declaration is signed, the submission status of the batch is set to Queued and the batch is queued for sending to the ATO.
As per the pre-existing batch submission process, where the service sends the queued batch, the submission status updates to Submitted. Once a success or failure response is received from the ATO the submission status of the batch changes to Completed, Completed with Exceptions or Rejected depending on whether the zero out was successful, whether there were data errors for one or more payees in the batch or whether the entire submission was rejected respectively. Alternatively, if there is a problem sending the submission, the submission status of the batch will be set to Technical Error.
Where the submission status changes to Completed with Exceptions, Rejected or Technical Error, you will be able to resubmit the batch by following steps 3-5, after fixing any relevant issues.
This enhancement provides an agency with the ability easily zero out STP submissions for a pay company during the financial year where a pay company has been reporting under the wrong ABN/ABN branch number.
No configuration is required to use this new action. The following steps are required where you need to zero out submissions for a particular pay company: