First Name Filters the list of candidates/payees according the first name of a candidate. Leading and trailing wildcard characters (%) can be used for partial matching on the name. For example, %anne will match names such as Anne and Mary Anne while mary% will match names such as Mary and Marry Anne. Middle Name Filters the list of candidates/payees according to the middle name of a candidate. Leading and trailing wildcard characters (%) can be used for partial matching on the name. For example, %anne will match names such as Anne and Mary Anne while mary% will match names such as Mary and Marry Anne. Surname Filters the list of candidates/payees according to the surname of the candidate. Leading and trailing wildcard characters (%) can be used for partial matching on the surname. For example, %hill will match names such as Hill and Summerhill while summer% will match names such as Summer and Summerhill. Payee No. Filters the list of candidates/payees according to the nine-digit, system-generated payee ID that uniquely identifies any existing payee record to which the candidate is linked. Candidate No. Filters the list of candidates/payees according to the nine-digit, system-generated candidate ID that uniquely identifies a specific candidate. Candidate Migration Id Filters the list of candidates/payees according to the migration ID that maps the candidate record to a candidate record in a 3rd party payroll system from which the candidate record was imported into FastTrack360 (if applicable). Payee Migration Id Filters the list of candidates/payees according to the migration ID that maps the payee record to a candidate record in a 3rd party payroll system from which the payee record was imported into FastTrack360 (if applicable). Country Filters the list of candidates/payees by the country to which they are linked. This field is display-only and shows the country of the payroll module in which you are working. For example, if you are working in the Payroll UK module, this field displays United Kingdom. Brand Filters the list of candidates/payees according to the agency brand by which they are managed. To list only those candidates/payees who are managed by a specific agency brand, select the relevant brand in this field. Region Filters the list of candidates/payees according to the agency region by which they are managed. To list only those candidates/payees who are managed by a specific agency region, select the relevant region in this field. Office Filters the list of candidates/payees according to the agency office by which the candidates are managed. To list only those candidates/payees who are managed by a specific agency office, select the relevant office in this field. Candidate/Payee Filters the list of candidates/payees according to whether they are linked to an active payee record. The options available in this field are: Employed Payees - this is the default option and will only find candidates that are linked to an active payee record (payee record that has no employment end date and is valid on the current date). Candidates without Payees - will only find candidates who are not already linked to a payee record. Select this option to find individuals who are being onboarded for the first time. Terminated Payees - will only find payees who have an employment end date. Any - will find employed payees, candidates without payees and terminated payees. Filled on Job Without Payee When ticked, will only find candidates who are placed in a job order but do not have a valid payee record for the pay company to which the job order is linked for the duration of the job order. Email Filters the list of candidates/payees according to their email address. Leading and trailing wildcard characters (%) can be used for partial matching on the email address. For example, % will match email addresses such as and while rsmith% will match email addresses such as and |