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New / Updated Map to Fields


Data Format

TS Alt No

Imports an alternative timesheet id/number that identifies the corresponding timesheet in the 3rd party system.


Bill Code Import Code

Identifies a bill element by mapping to the Import Code on a Bill Code record in FastTrack360. This field or the Bill Code Name field must be mapped if you require a new rate set to be created in the standard rates of the corresponding job order on import.


To allow the creation of new rate sets on job orders when importing timesheets, the following fields must also be mapped in the import:

  • Pay Code Name or Pay Code Import Code

  • Pay Rate

  • Bill Rate

For more information, see



Bill Code Name

Identifies a bill element by mapping it to the name of a bill code as defined on a Bill Code record in FastTrack360. This field or the Bill Code Import Code field must be mapped if you require a new rate set to be created in the standard rates of the corresponding job order on import.


To allow the creation of new rate sets on job orders when importing timesheets, the following fields must also be mapped in the import:

  • Pay Code Name or Pay Code Import Code

  • Pay Rate

  • Bill Rate

For more information, see below.


Bill Rate

Identifies the bill rate of the corresponding item in the import file. This field must be mapped if either of the following applies:

  • you require imported rates from the 3rd party system to supersede the standard rates on job orders to which imported timesheets correspond

  • you require new rate sets to be created on n job orders to which imported timesheets correspond


To allow the creation of new rate sets on job orders when importing timesheets, the following fields must also be mapped in the import:

  • Pay Code Name or Pay Code Import Code

  • Pay Rate

  • Bill Code Name or Bill Code Import Code

For more information, see below.



Import Settings Changes to Support Grouping

To achieve FastTrack360 now supports the ability to bulk import timesheet iterations, for example an . For example, a single import file may contain more than one timesheet can contain the original timesheet and one or more adjustment timesheets for the same job order and week ending date - for example an original and its subsequent adjustment(s), in the . To facilitate this, the Timesheet Import Wizard Import Settings , a new setting is available and will need to be populated. This item, labelled ‘Grouping’, will enable the system to know the import field to targeted to determine the timesheet iteration grouping. now features a Group Field option (see Figure 1 below) which is mandatory if multiple timesheet iterations are to be bulk imported via a single import file. This new option allows you to specify which field in the import file must be used to provide a grouping sequence for matching rows of data in the import file to a unique timesheet in FastTrack360.

In the import file, the Grouping value will need to be assigned to a grouping value must be provided against each data row for the same job and week ending date . Where multiple to inform FastTrack360 of which iteration of a timesheet the row corresponds to. If an original and one or more adjustment timesheets need to be generatedcreated based on the data provided in the import file, the system will use uses the Grouping grouping value to determine the rows required for each timesheet and the order of the timesheets. The ability to sequence the order is very important as each iteration of the timesheet needs to target the timesheet it is adjustingthe system must be able to match each row of data in the import file to the corresponding original timesheet or adjustment timesheet respectively.


Please note that where there is the possibility that the original timesheet and one or more subsequent adjustments could be imported in one file, then the ‘Adjustment Only’ setting must be true enabled in the related Job Ordercorresponding job orders, so that there is a zero-result timesheet already in the system. Click here for more details.

Grouping Example

In the example below, we have used the new Alternate Timesheet value Alt TS Id (alternative timesheet ID) field as the grouping value, as this is a value that will can be included in each row of data in the import file and will be displayed next to each data row. Where there is data for more than one iteration of a timesheet for the same job and week ending date, the system will use Alt. TS Id to determine each timesheet and the order of each timesheet ie; Adjustment 1, Adjustment 2, based on the order of the group field. We have also mapped this field in the Field Mapping area, as it is a value that is available on the timesheet, which will be helpful if we need to cross check data with the VMS.If your system does not provide a Timesheet Idto identify the correct original or adjustment timesheet to which each row of data corresponds and the sequence of the timesheets (i.e. original, adjustment 1, adjustment 2 etc.). In this example, the Alt. TS Id field has also been mapped in the Field Mappings, thereby allowing the alternative timesheet ID to be saved against the target timesheet in FastTrack360, which may be helpful for cross-checking with timesheets in the 3rd party system.


If the 3rd party system does not provide a unique timesheet ID, you can add a row to your data import and label it ‘Grouping’, then add values to


define the relevant grouping sequence (e.g. 1, 2, 3 etc.). It is important to note that where multiple timesheets for same job and date are required, each row in the import must contain a grouping value.


The values provided for grouping must be able to be sequenced ie; 1, 2, 3, 4 and must be whole numbers. For example, the system will not be able to sequence 1.2, 1.3, 1.4.

Please be aware that if you use alpha numeric numbers to group, the standard sort algorithm places the alpha in order, and then the logic looks at the first number and sorts this first, and then takes the next pass to look for a second number, then orders this etc. As such values like A7, A8, A9, A10, A11 would sort as A10, A11, A7, A8, A9. This would be problematic as the timesheets would be interpreted in the wrong order. If you wish to use alpha numeric, then make sure that the string numbers have the same amount of digits, so the logic will look at the whole number. Using the above example you would supply vales as: A07, A08, A09, A10, A11.


In the data sheet example representation of an import file below, ‘Alt TS No’ was used for Groupingis used as the grouping. There are three iterations of the same timesheet, where the original timesheet is a Zero Result Adjustment Only Timesheet (click here for more details on this strategy). zero result adjustment only timesheet, as follows:

  1. Alt TS No: 4556 - First timesheet is for 8 hrs of Ordinary.

  2. Alt TS No: 4559 - The first adjustment, changes this to 7 hrs of Ordinary 8 hrs was not correct.

  3. Alt TS No: 4563 - In the third iteration, the hours have not changed, however a reimbursement item was missed in the previous iterations.
