the Tax Type field is PAYG. Contractor, Umbrella, 3rd Tier Agency is available only if the tax type selected in the Tax Type field is Company. Pay Company Filters payees according to the pay company by which they are employed. To list only those payees who are employed by a specific pay company, select the name of the pay company in this field. Employment Type Filters the list of payees according to their employment type. To list only those payees to whom a specific employment type applies, select the relevant employment type in this field. Enquiry Office Filters payees according the agency office that acts as the payees' point of enquiry in relation to payroll issues. To list only those payees who are assigned to a specific enquiry office, select the name of the relevant agency office in this field. Employment Dates (From) Filters the list of payees according to the earliest employment start date. To list only those payees who commenced employment on or after a certain date, select the relevant date in this field.
Employment Dates (To) Filters the list of payees according to the latest employment end date. To list only those payees whose employment was terminated on or before a certain date, select the relevant date in this field. WorkCover Payments After Termination Filters payees according to whether they are subject to receiving WorkCover payments through payroll after their employment has ended. This field has three options as follows: Any (default) - indicates payees will be returned by the search regardless of whether they are subject to WorkCover payments after termination. Yes - indicates payees will only be returned by the search if they are subject to WorkCover payments after termination. That is, only those payees that have the WorkCover Payments After Termination field ticked on the Payee Entry screen will be returned by the search. No - indicates payees will only be returned by the search if they are not subject to WorkCover payments after termination. Insurance Policy Expiry Date (From) Filters the list of payees according to the earliest insurance policy expiry date. This field is enabled only if the Company option is selected in the Tax Type field and can be used to search for contractors who cover their own insurance costs and their insurance policy is about to expire. To list only those payees whose insurance polices expire on or after a certain date, select the relevant date in this field.
Insurance Policy Expiry Date (To) Filters the list of payees according to the latest insurance policy expiry date. This field is enabled only if the Company option is selected in the Tax Type field and can be used to search for contractors who cover their own insurance costs and their insurance policy is about to expire. To list only those payees whose insurance polices expire on or before a certain date, select the relevant date in this field. (Bank Details) Account Name Filters the list of payees according to their bank account name. To list only those payees who have a specific bank account name, key in the account name in this field. (Bank Details) Account No. Filters the list of payees according to their bank account number. To list only those payees who have a specific bank account number, key in the relevant account number in this field. (Payment Details) Payment Method Filters payees according to the how they receive their pay. To list only those payees who are paid by electronic funds transfer (EFT), by cash or by cheque, select the relevant payment method in this field.
(Payment Details) Payslip Delivery Method Filters payees according to the method by which their payslips are delivered. To list only those payees who receive their payslips via the Candidate portal only, via email or via print, select the relevant delivery method in this field.
(Payment Details) Pay Group Filters payees according to the pay group to which they are assigned. To list only those payees who are assigned to a specific pay group, select the name of the pay group in this field. (Tax Details) Company Name Filters the list of payees according to their company name. To list only those payees who have a specific company name, key in the company name in this field. This field is only available if the option selected in the Tax Type field is Any or Company.
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