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Below are some common issues that can occur when setting up or entering a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) code and how to resolve them.


The time on your computer/mobile device is not the current time

Change the time to the current time, then reon your device, we recommend the 'set time automatically' option is used. Re-enter the new code generated

The email address in your FastTrack360 profile has changed

Delete the existing code generator from your browser plug-in/App and re-scan your QR code. Refer to Setup TOTP Multi-factor Authentication after initial setup

The code is for another environment, ie UAT instead of Production

The code generator is unique to each environment. If  If you have setup MFA in your UAT environment, you will need to setup it up for Production environment.

Once you have multiple code generators setup, you will need to check the environment details to ensure you are entering the correct code for the correct environment.

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