You are able to set rounding on your invoices to make them easier to read. The main fields where you will need to think about rounding are ;the following at the invoice item level:
Total exc Tax
Total inc Tax
to round to 2 decimal places enter 0.00
to round to 4 decimal places enter 0.0000
to round to 6 decimal places enter 0.000000
For example, in Figure 3 below the Rate field is configured to show four decimal places.
If you leave this field blank the system will default to 2 decimal places.
System Configuration Area | Rounding |
Pay / Bill Agreements: Pay Rate Rules Bill Rate Rules |
6 decimal places 6 decimal places
Billing Company: Invoice Item Sub Total (Excluding Tax) Invoice Item Tax Total Invoice Item Total (Including Tax) Invoice Sub Total (Excluding Tax) Invoice Sub Total (Including Tax) Invoice Tax Total |
6 decimal places 6 decimal places 6 decimal places 2 decimal places 2 decimal places 2 decimal places
Document Formats: Rate, Quantity Rates and Invoice Item Sub-totals | 4 decimal places |
Middle/Back Office Country Settings: Rounding |
6 decimal places (rounding here should always match what you have set on Pay and Bill Rate Rules)