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New / Updated Map to Fields


Data Format

TS Alt No

Added to provide the ability to import Imports an alternative timesheet id/number relating to that identifies the corresponding timesheet in the third 3rd party system.


Bill Code Import Code

This value is mapped where import data is required to prompt the generation of a new Rate Stet in the related Standard Rate Job. Either Bill Code Import Code or Bill Code Name can be applied.

The following items are mandatory to trigger the generation of a new rate setIdentifies a bill element by mapping to the Import Code on a Bill Code record in FastTrack360. This field or the Bill Code Name field must be mapped if you require a new rate set to be created in the standard rates of the corresponding job order on import.


To allow the creation of new rate sets on job orders when importing timesheets, the following fields must also be mapped in the import:

  • Pay Code Name

  • or Pay Code Import Code

  • Pay Rate

; Bill Code Name OR Bill Code Import Code; Bill Rate
  • Bill Rate

For more information, see below.


Bill Code Name

This value is mapped where import data is required to prompt the generation of a new Rate Stet in the related Standard Rate Job. Either Bill Code Import Code or Bill Code Name can be applied.

The following items are mandatory to trigger the generation of a new rate setIdentifies a bill element by mapping it to the name of a bill code as defined on a Bill Code record in FastTrack360. This field or the Bill Code Import Code field must be mapped if you require a new rate set to be created in the standard rates of the corresponding job order on import.


To allow the creation of new rate sets on job orders when importing timesheets, the following fields must also be mapped in the import:

  • Pay Code Name

  • or Pay Code Import Code

  • Pay Rate

; Bill Code Name OR Bill Code Import Code; Bill Rate
  • Bill Rate

For more information, see below.


Bill Rate

This item is displayed below ‘Pay Rate' and is mapped where import data is required to either:

  • prompt the generation of a new Rate Set in the related Standard Rate Job. The following items are mandatory to trigger the generation of a new rate set: Pay Code Name OR Pay Code Import Code; Pay Rate; Bill Code Name OR Bill Code Import Code; Bill Rate

  • where the pay code provided exists in the Standard Rate Job, however a superseded Bill Rate value is required for the interpretation process. Where a Pay Rate value needs to be superseded, the existing Pay Rate mapped field is utilised.



Identifies the bill rate of the corresponding item in the import file. This field must be mapped if either of the following applies:

  • you require imported rates from the 3rd party system to supersede the standard rates on job orders to which imported timesheets correspond

  • you require new rate sets to be created on n job orders to which imported timesheets correspond


To allow the creation of new rate sets on job orders when importing timesheets, the following fields must also be mapped in the import:

  • Pay Code Name or Pay Code Import Code

  • Pay Rate

  • Bill Code Name or Bill Code Import Code

For more information, see below.


Example Import File for Creating New Rate Sets

The example below shows a representation of what must be provided in an import file so that new standard rates rate sets can be generated on job order in FastTrack360. In this example, the Overtime and Reimbursement items are elements do not exist in the Standard Rate Job Order. Mandatory items to generate a new rate set are highlighted in yellowjob rates. Items highlighted in yellow are elements that must be provided in the import if new rate sets are to be created.

Candidate ID

Client No

Job ID

Item Date

Pay Code Name/Pay Code Import Name 

Pay Quantity

Pay Rate

Bill Code/Bill Code Import Code

Bill Rate

Reimbursement Item

Reimbursement Net Value

Reimbursement GST/VAT Value

Alt TS Id








































For normal rates (not reimbursement) the following mapped values are required:

  • Pay Code /or Pay Code Import Code

  • Pay Rate

  • Bill Code /or Bill Code Import Code

  • Bill Rate



Reimbursement items


can only be


added to a new rate set that is created via this process if the Bill Type is Flat. If you require any other Bill Type to be applied and the rate value to be dependent on this,


such reimbursement rates must be added manually to the standard rates on the corresponding job orders.

To use import to add Reimbursement items, the following is required:

  • Reimbursement Item /or Reimbursement Import Code

  • Net

  • GST/VAT (if applicable to the reimbursement being claimed, not required for the new rate)

  • Bill Code /or Bill Code Import Code

  • Bill Rate (please be aware this value will be applied to the Job’s new Rate Set as a FLAT RATE - if you wish to use the same Reimbursement item for future imports, provide the Bill Rate required for each reimbursement, and this value will be applied in the Interpreter as a superseded rate value)
