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The following limitations will apply to the interim multi-batch pay processing solution that is defined in this specification and will have to be documented as such in the release materials/online help:

§  At the Tax pay batch stage, the system will automatically calculate tax The Include Prior Period Timesheets in Current Period option allows unpaid timesheets from prior pay periods to be paid together with timesheets that belong to the current (open) pay period, thereby preventing the need to process separate adjustment pay batches to pay late timesheets.

If the Include Prior Period Timesheets in Current Period option is enabled for a pay group, on creation of a pay batch any timesheets linked to the pay group that have been approved, reviewed and released for pay processing will be included in the pay batch even if the timesheet end date falls into a period prior to the period that is being processed.

Mention pay batch header and manual items and pay enquiry UI changes to identify the periods included in a pay batch …

There are several factors that you must be aware of before enabling the Include Prior Period Timesheets in Current Period option for a pay group:

  • For payees who are subject to having tax withheld from their earnings, at the Tax pay batch stage tax will be automatically calculated as if all earnings relate to the current (open) pay period.


§  Deductions can be configured so that a fixed amount is deducted from a payee’s earnings per pay period. Such deductions will continue to be applied once per pay period irrespective of the number of individual pay periods for which a payee is paid in a pay batch in the current period. Therefore, it might be necessary for users to manually adjust the deduction amount to factor in any periods that are missed due to the payee being paid for their late timesheets in the current period.

§  The system will use the current Payee record validity period for all pay items included in a pay batch, irrespective of the periods to which the items correspond.

§  It will only be possible to add manual pay items and terminations in a pay batch where the item or termination date is within the pay period or adjustment period of the pay batch itself; it will not be possible to add manual items and terminations that fall within any of the late periods included in a pay batch.

§  No additional information will be displayed on payslips to identify the prior periods for which pay items have been paid in a pay batch.

§  Leave rate types, which define the payment rate that is to be used to pay leave, can be configured to pay an average rate based on earnings over the last X number of pay periods whereby the count of pay periods can be, amongst other options, relative to the current period or the previous period. If either of those two options are used, the count of pay periods will always be relative to the current period of the pay batch irrespective of whether the leave occurred in a prior period. Therefore, this can affect how the average rate is calculated and hence must be taken into consideration in respect of leave configuration.



  • That might require manual tax adjustments to applied at the Tax stage of the pay batch to prevent payees from being over-taxed.

  • Deductions that are configured to deduct a fixed amount per pay period will only be applied once for the current period only. Therefore, if a payee is being paid for multiple periods in the current pay period and is subject to a fixed deduction per pay period, a manual adjustment to the deduction amount may be required at the Gross Deductions or Net Deductions pay batch stage to factor in any deductions that should have been deducted in the relevant prior periods.

  • Leave taken will only be paid if the leave occurred in the current (open) period. Where payees are owed outstanding leave payments for a prior pay period, it is recommended that an adjustment pay batch be processed for the relevant adjustment period to pay the prior period leave instead.

  • All manual pay items that are added to payees' earnings and terminations must be dated within the current (open) pay period. That is, it is not possible to add a manual pay item or a termination that falls into a prior period for which timesheets are included in a pay batch.

  • Mention payslips will not show any additional information …