CountryName of the country across which you want to generate the timesheet report. It is mandatory to select an option in this field and only one country can be selected. The logged in user’s country is selected by default. The country selected in this field also determines which brands and regions can be selected in the Brand and Region fields respectively (for more information, see below). BrandEmployment agency brand name. If you want the report to include timesheets created by one or more specific employment agency brands in the selected country, select the relevant brands in this field. Otherwise, the report will include timesheets regardless of which agency brand created them. The brand(s) selected in this field also determine which options are available in the Office field (for more information, see below). RegionGeographic region of the employment agency. If you want the report to include timesheets created within one or more specific geographic regions, select the relevant regions in this field. Otherwise, the report will include timesheets regardless of the region in which they were created. The region(s) selected in this field also determine which options are available in the Office field (for more information, see below). OfficeName of employment agency office. If you want the report to include timesheets created by one or more specific agency offices, select the relevant offices in this field. Otherwise, the report will include timesheets regardless of the office that created them. Parent NameName of the parent company to which the client (employer) belongs. If you want the report to include timesheets for a specific client only and you know the name of the client’s parent company, type the name in this field. Client IDClient number identifying the client (employer). If you want the report to include timesheets for a specific client only and you know the client number, type the client number in this field. Client NameName of the client (employer). If you want the report to include timesheets for a specific client only and you know the client name, type the client name in this field. Payee IDPayee (candidate) number. If you want the report to include timesheets for a specific payee only and you know the payee ID, type the ID in this field. Payee First NameFirst name of payee (candidate). If you want the report to include timesheets for a specific payee only and you know the payee’s first name, type the name in this field. Payee Last NameLast name of payee (candidate). If you want the report to include timesheets for a specific payee only and you know the payee’s last name, type the name in this field. PO No.Purchase order number associated with a job order for which timesheets have been created. If you want to report on timesheets corresponding to a specific purchase order number only, type the purchase order number in this field. Timesheet End Date FromEarliest end date of timesheets to be included in the report. If you want the report to include timesheets with an end date that is no earlier than a specific date, click next to this field and select the relevant date. Timesheet End Date ToLatest end date of timesheets to be included in the report. If you want the report to include timesheets with an end date that is no later than a specific date, click next to this field and select the relevant date. Keyed ByName of user who keyed in a timesheet. If you want the report to include timesheets keyed in by a specific timesheet only, type the username of the relevant person in this field. Note that if you are an agency approver, your username appears in this field by default. However, you can clear the field or type another username if necessary. Timesheet TypeTypes of timesheet to be included in the report. You can choose one of the following: * Any Timesheet Type – includes all timesheets regardless of the timesheet type (this is the default selection). * New Timesheets – includes all timesheets that are not adjustment timesheets. * Adjustment Timesheets - includes all approved timesheets that have been adjusted by an approver. Timesheet StatusStatus of timesheets to be included in the report. You can choose one of the following: * Any Timesheet Status – includes timesheets regardless of status (this is the default selection) * Editing – includes only those timesheets that have had any timesheet information keyed in but have not been submitted * Submitted – includes only those timesheets that are in the Submitted status and that are therefore awaiting or undergoing approval * In Progress – includes only those timesheets that have been approved by at least one approver * Released – includes only those timesheets that have completed the approval process * Rejected – includes only those timesheets that are in the Reject status because they have been declined by an approver. Attendance TypesType of attendances to be included in the report. For example, if you select Day Shift the report will include timesheets that include an attendance type of Day Shift. You can select multiple attendance types in this field in order to report on different attendance types on a single report. The exact attendance types that are available for selection depend on the attendance types configured in your system. Absence TypesType of absences to be included in the report. For example, if you select Sick Leave the report will include timesheets that include an attendance type of Sick Leave. You can select multiple absence types in this field in order to report on different absence types on a single report. The exact absence types that are available for selection depend on the attendance types configured in your system. Manual TypesTypes of manual items to be included in the report. For example, if you select Taxi the report will include timesheets where the manual item type selected is one of Taxi. Total HoursTotal hours keyed in on a timesheet. If you want the report to only include timesheets where the total number of hours keyed in matches, exceeds or does not exceed a certain number of hours, you can type the relevant number of hours in the Hrs field within this field grouping and select the relevant option from the dropdown (for example: Equal To). This option is only available when generating a timesheet detail report. Total Hours Per DayTotal hours keyed in on a timesheet on each day of the week. If you want the report to only include timesheets where the total number of hours keyed in on each day of the week matches, exceeds or does not exceed a certain number of hours, you can type the relevant number of hours in the Hrs field within this field grouping and select the relevant option from the dropdown (for example: Equal To). This option is only available when generating a timesheet detail report. Total Hours OnTotal hours keyed in on a timesheet on a specific day of the week. If you want the report to only include timesheets where the total number of hours keyed in on a specific day of the week matches, exceeds or does not exceed a certain number of hours, type the relevant number of hours in the Hrs field within this field grouping and select the relevant options from the dropdowns. This option is only available when generating a timesheet detail report. |