There are a few different reasons why duplicate Candidate records occur in FastTrack. The most common are:
Info |
The Creation Date of a record can be found in the Record Properties section. |
Candidates created after upgrading to 11.37
The Creation Source identifies how a record was created:
Do a Candidate search and select an option in the Creation Source field – for further information refer to Search Candidate - Search by Creation Source
Add Creation Source to the Candidates List layout, then do a Candidate search with Any selected in the Creation Source field – for details on how to modify the layout refer to KA to be done
Info |
If the Creation Source of the duplicate is Job Board Application, Registration or Outlook Extensions go to Determine why a duplicate was created |
Candidates created prior to upgrading to 11.37
Data in the Candidate record needs to be reviewed and a process of elimination used to identify how the record was created. Below are guidelines on what to review.
Note |
Changes made to the Candidate record after it was created may mean you can’t determine how a record was created. The Audit Trail can assist in determining what details have been changed. |
Form Responses
Go to the Form Responses section. If there is
To see what details were entered so they can be compared to the Candidate Duplicate Check options, click View.
Go to the Resume section. If there is
Go to Maintenance > General Items > Outlook Extensions and compare the Default Candidate Source to the Source in the Candidate record. If they are the same then the record was most likely created from Outlook Extensions.
The Referral section, lists Referrals that have come from a Job Board Application as well as Referrals added by an Agency User. To identify if a Referral has come from a job application:
To see what details were entered so they can be compared to the Candidate Duplicate Check options, click View.
Additional Additional Checks
Check if the Created By user of the Candidate (in Record Properties) is the same as the Job Owner in the job the referral was for - the Created By defaults to the Job Owner if the record is created from a job application
Check the Stage Name of the referral matches the Job Board Application – New stage configured in the Referral Workflow. To do this:
In the Referral Workflow right click on Candidate > click Edit Referral
In Referral Stage History check the Stage Name of the first entry
Go to Maintenance > Referral Workflow > open the workflow selected on the job
Click Channel Mapping > check the stage selected for Job Board Application – New & Job Board Application – Existing
If they are different, compare the Job Board Application – New stage to the Stage Name in Referral Stage History – if they match creation source is Job Board Application
If they are the same, it’s possible the record was created by another source.
Note |
If jobs are advertised on Seek via Broadbean, we recommend only the below duplicate check options are selected. If any other options are selected, duplicates will be created as these details are not included in the Seek application. |
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